The Luminaries Chance/Destiny Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

'You may have an astral soul-mate, whose path through life perfectly mirrors your own!' (IV.9.41).

If telling people their destiny changes it, we wonder what Anna made of hearing that she had an astral soul mate. How do you think it factored into her behavior when she found Emery Staines, whom she had already met on the boat to Dunedin, had randomly moved to Hokitika at around the same time she did?

Quote #5

A sudden clanging directed her attention to the quay, where a ginger-haired man with a mustache was standing on the wharf, swinging a brass hand-bell, and shouting into the wind (VI.2.2).

Sure enough, those astral twins don't take long to find each other when Anna arrives in Hokitika. The bell directs Anna's attention over to the quay at around the same time Emery, standing on land, is staring up at a woman on the boat he can't quite see.

Quote #6

'You might want to remember it,' said Frost. 'Your luckiest day' (VI.3.4).

Frost is saying this to Emery Staines when the latter comes to the bank to cash in Crosbie Wells's nugget for him. The bankers make a big fuss over the huge amount of moolah the nugget pulls …