The Mysterious Benedict Society Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"With Mr. Benedict, it's usually laughter that does it. But if it's not laughter with you, then what? It must be something, otherwise you wouldn't strap yourself so carefully in. You're so afraid of losing control—but how exactly?"


"You will be under my complete control!"

"Thank you!" Reynie burst out, his face brightening.

Mr. Curtain was startled. "Thank me?"

"You've given me an idea! Aren't you always saying that control is the key? […] Kate, try the word 'control.'" (37.7, 37.106 – 110)

And of course control (the Dutch spelling, with an e on the end), does turn out to be Mr. Curtain's password. Gee, Mr. C—obsess much? For a genius, Ledroptha's password creation skills leave a bit to be desired. If controle hadn't worked, the kids probably could have broken in with password or 123456. (Let this be a lesson to you, Shmoopsters: put a little more effort into generating your passwords, or risk being outsmarted by, well, anyone who's trying.)