How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"I would not live my life as you live yours. You would always do as you were bid, marry where you were told, be where you were ordered. I am not like you. I make my own way." (5.16)
Anne says she makes her own way, but is this true? How much does she achieve with only her own wits and resources? She is determined, but would she be successful without the resources of her family?
Quote #5
"Where I aim, I will hit." (5.292)
Anne knows what she wants, and she gets it. She's also good at archery, to illustrate this point on a more literal level. Ah, metaphors.
Quote #6
It felt as if we were fighting something worse than Anne, some demon that possessed her, that possessed all of us Boleyns: ambition. (6.91)
As the years go by, Mary realizes how dangerous Anne's ambition can be. Anne is willing to bring the only family she has down with her if she doesn't succeed.