How It All Goes Down
May 1536
- Mary learns from Madge Shelton about the scandalous trial.
- As one of Anne's ladies in waiting, Madge had been questioned about the goings-on in Anne's bedroom. "Who was bedding who, who was promising what? Who was giving gifts?" (49.14).
- Soon, Henry Norris, Francis Weston, William Brereton, and Mark Smeaton are found guilty of adultery with the queen.
- This means that George is in grave danger. Mary wants to find a way to save him.
- William advises against it. Defending George would put Mary's own life in danger.
- William and Mary compromise, and Mary decides to go to her father and uncle for help.
- Mary is furious with her father and uncle for not standing by Anne, who is being accused of doing everything they wanted her to do.
- "Is she to die for being an obedient daughter?" (49.80), Mary asks.
- Father and uncle deny having anything to do with Anne's behavior. Boy, these men have some severe memory issues.
- The only good news to come out of this encounter is that the men believe Anne will not be executed. Her fate will be exile.
- Anne and George are both soon found guilty.
- George is beheaded with the other men, and Anne is forced to watch it all.
- The next day, Anne is brought out to be beheaded.
- As she did at the beginning of the book, which feels like many years ago, Mary believes Henry will step in at the last minute and pardon Anne.
- Henry doesn't.
- Anne is beheaded, and Mary is in shock.
- With her husband and her three children—at least she gets all of them back—Mary leaves the court for her country home.
- Henry moves quickly.
- Before Anne's head has even rolled away from her body, Jane Seymour has her wedding clothes ready.
- The queen is dead. Long live the queen. At least until the king has her killed, too. (Actually, historical spoiler alert: Jane dies on her own, before Henry can get tired of her.)
- Mary believes that the Boleyn line is finished. In her mind, Elizabeth will "never sit on the throne." (49.161)
- Boy, is she wrong.
- The end.