How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"I'm making it fast," [Anne] said. "Not even the Percy family will be able to wriggle out of it when Henry and I tell them that we are wedded and bedded." (5.339)
A woman's virtue is her most valuable asset in this society, and Anne uses it to consummate her relationship with Henry Percy. Sex is a major part of the equation, because the return on the investment of marriage is supposed to be a child.
Quote #5
She protested her virginity and said that she would never forgive herself if she gave away her maidenhead before marriage, though God knew how much she desired him. (19.2)
Anne flaunts her non-existent virginity to Henry as a way of wooing him. He desires her because she is a virgin, and he will get rid of her after he is with her sexually. Double standard, anyone?
Quote #6
"I was his whore," I said. […] "When he lay on his back I would lie on him and kiss him down from his mouth to his parts and then lick his parts like a cat lapping at milk." (25.38)
Mary and Anne go through a role reversal during the book. Anne, raised in France, teaches Mary the ways of flirtation. But Mary, who has had sex more times than Anne has, later turns around and teaches Anne a few different tricks to use on the king in his bedroom.