The Price of Salt, or Carol Chapter 11 Quotes

The Price of Salt, or Carol Chapter 11 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

"They're not horrid. One's just supposed to conform." (11.74)

Carol, who grew up in the 1930s, doesn't rebel against conformity the way Therese does. Perhaps this is the "courage" Carol sees in Therese and begins to draw from as the novel progresses and Carol rebels herself.

Quote 2

"You're the young generation," Carol said. "And what have you got to say?" (11.84)

Here is another rude thing said to Therese, this time by Carol. Carol eventually listens to Therese in the end, but she acts like a stodgy old broad first before accepting that Therese, although young, still has knowledge.

Quote 3

"I don't think Abby likes me," Therese remarked. "I don't think she wants me to see you." (11.11)

This is partly true, but Therese, who's young, doesn't yet understand Abby's complicated emotions. As Carol's friend, she wants her to be happy—but Abby also wishes that she could be with Carol, so she's torn about Therese.