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The Price of Salt, or Carol Chapter 22 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • In Chicago, Therese takes a general office job.
  • Without Carol, she feels like her life has been drained of all happiness.
  • One night, Abby calls and wonders when Therese will return to New York.
  • Therese wants to speak to Carol, but Carol is in Vermont "taking a rest" (22.26).
  • Therese says she'll return with the car in ten days.
  • One afternoon later, Therese has a special visitor: Dannie.
  • He's heading to California to take a job, and he thought he'd see Therese along the way.
  • Her prior landlady gave Dannie her new address.
  • Dannie says Therese looks different, "Grown up all of a sudden" (22.70).
  • She tells Dannie she will never see Carol again, so asks if she would ever see another woman, and Therese says no.
  • She says she will write him, and the two part ways—Dannie to California, Therese back to New York.