How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Then when graduation came, when she was seventeen, the school had asked her mother for two hundred dollars. Therese hadn't wanted any money from her, had half believed her mother wouldn't give her any, but she had, and Therese had taken it. (6.82)
Therese has no desire to have a relationship with her own mother. Family just isn't important to her.
Quote #5
"Disappeared! I like that. And how lucky you are to be able to do it. You're free. Do you realize that?" (6.97)
Carol believes that Therese is free because Therese has no family, yet Carol is tied down to a husband and a daughter.
Quote #6
"One sister. I suppose you want to know all about her, too? Her name is Elaine, she as three children and she lives in Virginia. She's older than I am, and I don't know if you'd like her. You'd think she was dull." (14.103)
Like Therese, Carol also isn't that close to her biological family—this is something Carol and Therese have in common. Carol's only family is one by marriage, and this is a bond that can (and will) be broken.