How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"My little orphan," Carol said. (15.52)
Is there a mother/daughter dynamic between Carol and Therese even though they are lovers? Carol says this line as if she wants to be Therese's caretaker more than her romantic partner.
Quote #8
"My child is my property!"
A crease twitched in his cheek. "A human being is not property, Mrs. Aird." (19.45-19.46)
The detective is a voice of reason here. Carol resents her husband because he wants to own her, but it appears that Carol feels the same way about her own daughter. She doesn't really love her; she just wants to possess her.
Quote #9
Yes, she understood why Carol had sent the letter. Because Carol loved her child more than her. (21.42)
We're unsure how Therese feels about this. It would be selfish if Therese resented Carol for choosing her own daughter over her, but it's understandable that Therese is hurt by her choice, too. Losing Carol would hurt regardless of the reason.