How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"I mean sometime, darling. You've got a lot of years ahead." (16.32)
Carol seems to think that Therese is going through a phase, that her same-sex experience is just an experiment, nothing permanent, and that she might change her mind as she gets older.
Quote #8
"Darling, did you ever think you'll be seventy-one, too, some day?"
"No," Therese said. (18.37-18.38)
As a youngster, Therese is also shortsighted. She still sees older people as an "other," not as a person that she may one day be.
Quote #9
"You look grown up all of a sudden," [Dannie] said. "You changed your hair, didn't you?" (22.70)
Therese matures a bit on her road trip—either that or she just looks tired—as evidenced by the fact that a few people comment on Therese looking "grown up" when she returns. Exactly how does she grow up?