How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
After years of fearing the street in Thebes, I rushed into this one, not entirely sure of where to go. (3.3.53)
For Dinah, one thing trumps her fear of going out in public: boredom. Or as we say today, FOMO (fear of missing out).
Quote #8
I looked into her eyes and managed a midwife's smile. I knew my task.
"Fear not," I whispered, "the time is coming.
"Fear not, your bones are strong." (3.5.22)
Here is part of the birthing song that Inna learned. The song itself is meant to pacify pain and help women give birth. Dinah sings it as Meryt dies, thereby easing her death. Fear of death makes us nervous and stressed out; this song's alleviation of fear helps us realize that we shouldn't fear everything just because it physically affects us.
Quote #9
"My sons trembled at my side. The tent stank with his illness and his ranting had frightened them, but I told them that their grandfather wished to bless them." (3.5.114)
Jacob is a scary old dude by the end of the book—we wouldn't touch him with a, 39-and-1/2-foot pole. Yeah, death is pretty scary when it looked like this.