The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge Chapter 24: March 7, 1824 Quotes
The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge Chapter 24: March 7, 1824 Quotes
How we cite the quotes:
Quote 1
What story connected the dainty trinket to Pig? [...] They would never know, and the finality of the mystery filled Glass with melancholy thought of his own souvenirs. (2.24.26)
In a novel filled with firefights, bear attacks, and high-speed boat getaways (okay, that last one is a stretch), it's the quiet moments that hit us the hardest. Pig had been a back-up character for most of the story, a bit of comic relief, and we don't get this tiny glimpse into his life until he's already dead. Oof—now that's a bummer.
Quote 2
"It's the hides I'm after," said Glass. "We're making a bullboat." (2.24.44)
A what? As it turns out, a bullboat is a type of craft traditionally made by the Pawnee that's made out of processed buffalo hides. You learn something new every day. Good thing Glass had a positive enough relationship with the Pawnee to learn things like this from them.
Quote 3
With the confidence of a relentless predator, Glass knew that his quarry lay somewhere before him, near and nearer with each passing hour. (2.24.69)
While we've talked about Glass's determination in positive terms for the most part, the truth is that it's rooted in a very dark desire: revenge. Would Glass still have been so driven to survive if he hadn't been betrayed by Fitzgerald and Bridger? We're not so sure.