The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge Chapter 27: April 28, 1824 Quotes

The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge Chapter 27: April 28, 1824 Quotes

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Quote 1

"Why did you come to the frontier? [...] To revel in a moment's revenge?" [...]

Still Glass said nothing. Finally Kiowa said, "If you want to die in the guardhouse, that's for you to decide." (2.27.33-34)

After his failed assassination attempt on Fitzgerald, Glass is confused. Should he try again, likely getting himself locked up for good in the process? Or should he just let it go? Seriously? That's an easy choice, bro—we'd go with Option B all day, every day. Plus, if it makes him feel any better, Fitzgerald is such a jerk that someone will take care of him sooner or later.