The Spectacular Now Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I want to work for NASA someday." She sounds kind of tentative, like she's afraid I'll think that's a stupid ambition or something. (25.34)

Um, this is about the coolest dream there is. But we get it: sharing your dreams with someone else is super intimate. No wonder Aimee feels tentative.

Quote #5

Space travel, super-intelligent horses, working for NASA, owning a vast ranch – you really have to admire dreams like that. (27.7)

It's not 100% clear whether Sutter is being sarcastic or serious here, but Aimee's deadly serious: these dreams keep her going in spite of how rough her family and school life is.

Quote #6

I had big dreams once myself. (27.8)

Guess what? Sutter still does have big dreams—he just doesn't realize it. Unfortunately, his dreams aren't going to be easy to achieve, since they involve (1) staying a kid, and (2) continuing to idealize his deadbeat dad. Pretty grim.