The Spectacular Now Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

That's the number one problem with these anti-drug-and-alcohol programs they shoehorn you into starting in grade school. No one will admit any of that stuff is fun, so there goes all their credibility flying right out the window. (4.2)

We're all about the straight-and-narrow path ourselves, but Sutter might actually have a legitimate point. Would anti-drug campaigns work better if they admitted that drugs can feel good?

Quote #5

Okay, yes, maybe I do drink a little bit more than a little bit too much, but don't go getting the idea that I'm an alcoholic. It's not some big addiction. It's just a hobby. (4.1)

Right. Can't get any more classic alcoholic than that excuse. Here's a hint: try the first step.

Quote #6

I've got nothing against the weed – I just don't happen to see it as a good social lubricant. (6.5)

Okay, so apparently Sutter sees alcohol as a social lubricant, as a way to make friends and easy group interactions. How ironic that it ends up driving away all his friends.