The Sting Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Sting.

Quote #4

KID TWIST: All right, Curly, you're in. We got a rack of suits over there. Get yourself a nice tweed one.

How about this for a professional operation? One of the most important parts of being a grifter is looking like you have lots of money, because people never suspect rich-looking people of trying to take their money. That's why Twist makes sure to have a ton of nice suits available for whoever needs them.

Quote #5

KID TWIST: You played for any particular mobs?

Here again, Twist meets Joe Erie and asks him for job references as if the guy were applying for a clerking job in a law firm. Of course, Joe hasn't worked for many mobs, but he's a good guy with lots of heart and Twist takes him anyway.

Quote #6

KID TWIST: Listen Duke, we're setting up a wire store. I need a twenty-man boost right away.

How about this for resourcefulness? Twist knows that if he's going to pull off the big con on Lonnegan, he'll need at least twenty men. The good news is that there seems to be a ready community of conmen just waiting for a job like this. So finding the manpower for the job is never a problem.