The Story of My Experiments with Truth Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

There are innumerable definitions of God, because His manifestations are innumerable. They overwhelm me with wonder and awe and for a moment stun me. But I worship God as Truth only. (Introduction.6)

God equals truth. Gandhi says there are infinite manifestations of God, though, which means that God can appear to be any number of various things. But, according to Gandhi, behind the appearance lies the reality that God is truth.

Quote #2

The outstanding impression my mother has left on my memory is that of saintliness. She was deeply religious. She would not think of taking her meals without her daily prayers. [...] She would take the hardest vows and keep them without flinching. Illness was no excuse for relaxing them. (1.1.7)

Gandhi's mother played no small part in influencing him to be such a deeply religious person. Surely he gained strength to maintain his own vows by thinking of her devoutness.

Quote #3

The term "religion" I am using in its broadest sense, meaning thereby self-realization or knowledge of self. (1.10.1)

For Gandhi, the self-realized by religious practice is someone that is humble and devoted to service.