The Story of My Experiments with Truth Theme of Religion

Inspired by his devout mother and the religious tolerance of his father, Gandhi sought to understand all the religions he came across…and he describes this process in The Story of My Experiments with Truth.

His own view is that God is truth and that to realize yourself fully—which he sees as a religious quest—you must participate in all areas of life, including politics. Whereas many feel religion to be a private matter, something you shouldn't discuss with others, Gandhi, while tolerant, is forthright about his own beliefs.

Questions About Religion

  1. How were Gandhi's religious beliefs influenced by his family? To what extent did he remain true to his parents' views, and to what extent did he break away from them and form views of his own? How does his spiritual journey compare with your own, if at all?
  2. Compare and contrast Gandhi's beliefs with those of Christianity. Where does he agree and where does he disagree?
  3. Research Gandhi's religion, Hinduism. How does his life reflect or not reflect Hindu beliefs? What does he dislike about Hinduism?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Religion is a matter for public discussion and debate, including in the field of politics.

Religion is a private matter and doesn't have a place in politics.