How we cite our quotes:
Quote #1
It was pleasant; the coffee had warmed me up, and the smell of flowers on the night air was coming through the open door. I think I dozed off for a while. (1.1.14)
Meursault, in his passivity, allows the weather and surroundings to dictate his actions.
Quote #2
[…] the witness of the room seemed even brighter than before. There wasn’t a shadow anywhere in front of me, and every object, every angle and curve stood out so sharply it made my eyes hurt. (1.1.15)
Brightness seems to have a negative effect on Meursault’s mood. At times, brightness even means pain to Meursault.
Quote #3
The sky was already filled with light. The sun was beginning to bear down on the earth and it was getting hotter by the minute. I don’t know why we waited so long before getting under way. I was hot in my dark clothes […] it was inhuman and oppressive. (1.1.24)
Meursault has little tolerance for summer heat—it instantly dampens his mood.