Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #25

The trial opened with the sun glaring outside. (2.3.1)

That the sun is "glaring outside" does not bode well for Meursault’s trial. This foreshadows some form of agitation on his part, or possibly his getting sentenced to the guillotine. Take your pick.

Quote #26

Despite the blinds, the sun filtered through in places and the air was already stifling. They hadn’t opened the windows. (2.3.3)

Even more comments regarding the hot sun and the stifling air, and yes, even more foreshadowing of impending doom.

Quote #27

Fumbling a little with my words and realizing how ridiculous I sounded, I blurted out that it was because of the sun. People laughed. My lawyer threw up his hands […]. (2.4.6)

Think about Meursault’s defense ("the sun made me do it!") in the context of the last chapter of the novel, when he concludes that he feels a kinship with the earth, that the world is in fact his brother.