Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #13

The sun was shining almost directly overhead onto the sand, and the glare on the water was unbearable. […] It was hard to breathe in the rocky heat rising from the ground. (1.6.11)

The heat makes Meursault angry. Like really angry.

Quote #14

We walked on the beach for a long time. By now the sun was overpowering. It shattered into little pieces on the sand and water. (1.6.16)

Look at Camus’s word choice—verbs like "shatter" set our emotions on edge for the coming scene.

Quote #15

The sun glinted off Raymond’s gun as he handed it to me. (1.6.18)

Here we directly see the sun and the gun associated with each other. Meursault will later blame both of these items for the Arab’s death.