The Unvanquished Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"They are borrowed horses," Granny said. "I'm going to take care of them until I can return them." (3.1.3)

Granny knows her way around the five-finger discount. She and the boys stole some Yankee horses, but she considers them borrowed, and also feels responsible for keeping them safe until she can do the right thing and give them back.

Quote #5

"And dont yawl worry about Granny. She cide what she want and then she kneel down about ten seconds and tell God what she aim to do and then she git up and do hit." (3.2.34)

Granny, as we know, is a super strong-willed lady. But she does feel a duty to do the right thing. Even though Ringo jokingly characterizes her as someone who will do whatever she wants, the fact that she prays about it first shows that she does think about the responsibility that comes with her actions.

Quote #6

"I borrowed hit," Ringo said. "Twarn't no Yankees handy, so I never needed no paper." (4.1.62)

Everybody's ethics get all mixed up in the war. Granny had always disciplined the boys really harshly, but when she starts to see her duty to her family as more important than her personal ethics (she starts stealing), they start following her lead. Ringo steals a buggy in the heat of the moment in order to save Granny and Bayard and get home.