The Unvanquished Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #10

[T]he road to Jefferson lay before us, the road which I had travelled for the first time three years ago with Father and travelled twice at Christmas time and then in June and September and twice at Christmas time again and then June and September again each college term since alone on the mare, not even knowing that this was peace; and now this time and maybe last time who would not die (I knew that) but who maybe forever after could never again hold up his head. (7.1.11)

When you make the same trip over and over, like to visit your grandmother every Christmas or go to school every day, time can start to collapse onto itself. It's like the repetition jumbles everything up, and while you're taking the familiar road you don't realize that someday you'll look back on that route like a big, old chunk of time.