The Unvanquished Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Vicksburg fell? Do he mean hit fell off in the River? With Ginrul Pemberton in hit too?" (1.2.15)

Cities fall, populations rise up and revolt, and all sorts of other weird vocabulary contortions happen in war. Ringo doesn't understand that when Vicksburg fell, it passed from Confederate to Union control. He takes it literally and thinks that it must have fallen in the river.

Quote #5

"Dont you know that if They captured you and this boy, They could almost force him to come in and surrender?" (2.2.46)

People become pawns in the giant chess game of war. The officer advising Granny to go on home believes that if she and Bayard are captured, they could be used as a playing piece to trade for John Sartoris' life. Also, check out the capital T on "They"… the enemy is powerful enough to get special grammatical treatment.

Quote #6

"The Yankees have already been here." Then we saw it too: a burned house like ours; three chimneys standing above a mound of ashes and then we saw a white woman and a child looking at us from a cabin behind them. (3.1.31)

The Yankees became a fierce and fearsome enemy toward the end of the Civil War, with a scorched earth policy that left literally everything smoldering in their path.