How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Half an hour later […] Mortenson was kneeling with the children, drawing multiplication tables in the dirt with a mulberry branch. (8.74)
Mortenson isn't just a guy who builds schools, he's a guy who helps teach, too.
Quote #5
Hussein seemed to Mortenson immeasurably removed from his days of scholarship on the sweltering plains of the Punjab. He would be the perfect teacher for Korphe's school, Mortenson realized. He'd be able to bridge both worlds. (10.71)
However, a guy like Mortenson isn't enough. A good teacher, a really good teacher, is one who not only knows multiplication tables, but knows the kids' lives and can relate to them.
Quote #6
"Long after all those rams are dead and eaten this school will still stand. […] Our children have education forever." (12.110)
Haji Ali ends up bribing a rival village with a ton of livestock in order to keep his school open. He has a larger vision than most, seeing the long-term benefit of education, and how it outweighs the short-term benefit of delicious yak meat.