Perseverance Quotes in Three Cups of Tea

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It was his body that had failed, [Mortenson] decided, not his spirit, and every body had its limits. (1.47)

Just because someone takes a break doesn't mean that they "give up." Mortenson simply changes his course; he never stops.

Quote #5

"If you believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything." (4.22)

This is cookie cutter advice from Papa Mortenson, but it's positioned as a profound moment in Greg Mortenson's life, and part of the reason why he always perseveres for what he believes in.

Quote #6

During days he wasn't working, Mortenson hunted and pecked his way through hundreds of letters. He wrote to every U.S. senator. (5.14)

Even though Mortenson can't use a computer, or type, he writes out hundreds of letters to raise money. This shows incredible determination… and a bit of stupidity. Sometimes there's a fine line between the two.