How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
A true Muslim would leap at the chance to help poor children instead of trying to steal their money. (6.63)
Like any major religion, one of the tenets of Islam is to give charity to others. Many people of all religions lose sight in the whole let's help others who are less fortunate thing.
Quote #5
For years, Mortenson had known, intellectually, that the word "Muslim" means, literally, "to submit." And like many Americans, who worshipped at the temple of rugged individualism, he had found the idea dehumanizing. But for the first time […] he glimpsed the pleasure to be found in submission to a ritualized fellowship of prayer. (6.86)
Mortenson sees how the prayer ritual builds community and fellowship, kind of like Mortenson's own devotion to mountain climbing, which relies on brotherhood and support.
Quote #6
[Mortenson] was praying like a Sunni at the heart of Shiite Pakistan. Among the warring sects of Islam, Mortenson knew, men had been killed for less. (12.50)
Ah, the joy of sects. Islam is a fiercely divided religion, one in which differing customs can mean the difference between life and death.