How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"For these blessings, I thank Almighty Allah," Aslam says, "and Mister Greg Mortenson." (16.65)
Mortenson ends up being put right alongside Allah here. This kind of talk may contribute to his desire to do everything himself—like a god, he wants to be omnipresent—but then again, Mortenson's also responsible for recounting this moment to Relin…
Quote #8
Wahhabism is a conservative, fundamentalist offshoot of Sunni Islam and the official state religion of Saudi Arabia's rulers. (19.18)
All religions have branches. Just like Christianity and its numerous denominations, Islam branches off, too, and some of the denominations are more fundamental, and at times destructive, than others.
Quote #9
"I wish all the Americans who think 'Muslim' is just another way of saying 'terrorist' could have been there that day. The true core tenets of Islam are justice, tolerance, and charity." (19.110)
Not all Muslims are terrorists. The vast majority of Muslims are kind and caring people who will do anything to convince people that they're not like the outliers, the ones who are loud, violent, and dangerous.