Time Bandits Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Time Bandits.

Quote #4

KEVIN: I'll never get the chance to meet Robin Hood again.

Here is Kevin being all wise and insightful again. Even with the ability to travel through time, you have to take advantage of your opportunities because they may never come around again.

Quote #5

AGAMEMNON: Remind the queen that I still rule this city.

This is a subtle reminder that the clock is ticking for everyone...and Agamemnon may not have nearly as much time as he thinks he does.

Quote #6

KEVIN: The Time of Legends! There's no such thing.

RANDALL: But there is. You just gotta believe in it.

The Time of Legends is apparently somewhere unmoored from the rest of the timeline. It's a place where anything can happen...and again it emphasizes that time is really presented as a series of places.