Tom Jones Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Tom Jones? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. You are found face-down on the floor of the inn at Gloucester, cowering in terror after meeting the bloodied ghost of Tom Jones. You are:

Ensign Northerton
Northerton's guard
the Ghost Whisperer
Q. You are a clown caught in the middle of seducing a local servant-girl. You are:

the petty-fogger
the Man of the Hill
the Merry-Andrew
Krusty the Klown
Q. You are a lady's maid who gets into a hair-pulling, face-scratching fight with a visiting servant. You are:

Mrs. Wilkins
Mrs. Western
Mrs. Miller
Mrs. Honour
Q. You are the historical figure whom that dumb innkeeper confuses with Sophia Western in Book 11. You are:

Nell Gwynn
Jenny Cameron
Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Cersei Lannister
Q. You are a member of the Anglican clergy, but you seem to spend most of your time soothing Squire Western's anti-Sophia rages. You are:

Mr. Supple
Mr. Thwackum
Mr. Square
Miss Slouch