Tomorrow, When the War Began Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

When we left the Mackenzies' we moved cautiously. For the first time, we acted like people in a war, like soldiers, like guerillas. (7.23)

Once fear takes hold, people's actions change. Here, the Hell gang begins to be more watchful, quiet, and careful. Fear isn't just in their minds; it's informing how they use their bodies.

Quote #5

A small single movement was my key to finding my spirit. There was a tree about four steps away, in front of me and to my left, well inside the zone of light from the Showground. I suddenly made myself leave the darkness and go to it, in four quick light steps, a dance that surprised me, but made me feel a little light headed and proud. […] It was a dance of courage. (7.65)

This is the first, and most important, step Ellie takes toward conquering her fear. This one moment sets her up for many more brave moments later on—it's such a small thing to do, but so significant.

Quote #6

Bullets zinged past […] I heard a gasp from Corrie and a cry from Kevin. It was as though I left the ground, with sheer fear. For a moment I lost contact with the earth. It was a strange feeling, like I had ceased to be. Then I was diving at the corner of the road, rolling through the grass and wriggling like an earwig into cover. (7.79)

Whoa, we cannot believe how scary that would be. Ellie and her friends show their drive to survive by snapping out of their frozen fear and finding cover.