Tomorrow, When the War Began Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Somehow, with no air in my lungs, I started to run. (7.81)

Ellie might feel free all the time in this book, but it never stops her. This girl has serious chutzpah when it comes to stuff that scares her.

Quote #8

Their policy was to preserve their own lives at any cost. If they suspected danger in a house, they'd set up a rocket launcher and destroy the house, rather than go in to a possible ambush. (10.54)

The invading army has so much power, and yet in their over-the-top response to possible danger, it's clear their actions are motivated by fear. Whatever happened to strength in numbers?

Quote #9

[…] I want people to know about stuff like this, how brave Robyn was that night. […] She picked up the photocopier […] and chucked the whole thing through the door. Then she ran to Lee, heaved him onto her back, across her shoulders, and carried him through the shattered door, kicking out bits of glass as she went. (10.59)

Remind us never to mess with Robyn, okay? Because clearly, fear doesn't break her stride—not even for a moment. Lee is super lucky to have her around in this moment.