Tomorrow, When the War Began Foolishness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It was only then that I realized that while thinking about ambushes I'd actually led Kevin and Corrie into a trap. (7.83)

This mistake could have cost them their lives, but luckily, Ellie is a fast thinker. She is forced through her foolish move to do something she'll regret forever, though: kill the soldiers that follow them.

Quote #5

"[…] Flip's out there, wandering around. They must have seen her from the helicopter."

"That might be enough to make them suspicious." […]

"We've got a lot to learn, assuming we even come out of this." […]

"Let's get cracking," he said. "We've been lucky. We can't afford to make that many mistakes again." (9.62-80)

Here, the group's oversight costs Corrie her home as it gets blown up by a missile, and it nearly costs them their lives, too. Homer is right, though: They need to learn from these mistakes and not repeat them.

Quote #6

My poor driving was at least making it hard for the soldiers—we were an erratic target. […] In the wing mirror on my side I caught one glimpse of a small vehicle […] We smashed into it bloody hard and ran right over the top of it. […] I felt sorry for Lee: I'd forgotten to raise the shovel. (11.9-10)

Whoa—Lee is terribly injured and totally unprotected in the shovel, which Ellie foolishly forgets. They are all lucky that Lee doesn't get thrown out as she does so many dangerous things behind the wheel.