Tomorrow, When the War Began Foolishness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[…] I was confused between my feelings for him and my feelings for Homer. Last night I'd been holding hands with Homer, and feeling so warm and good about it, and now here I was with Lee. I didn't have any plans to become the local slut and I didn't think it was a good idea to get involved with two guys at once. (12.32)

Uh, yeah, about that… When there are only seven of you and nowhere else to go, multiple romantic dalliances probably isn't such a hot idea. The heart can want what it wants, but sometimes the head has to intervene to prevent foolish behavior from messing everything up.

Quote #8

Chris was getting on all too well. He was asleep, and I was furious. […] it was unforgiveable for Chris to have gone to sleep. He'd risked the lives of all of us by being so slack. (12.34)

Do you this reveals the kind of character Chris is? Whether it does or not, he botches the first job he gets, which is a pretty foolish move.

Quote #9

"I'd hate to spoil that by us two suddenly having a falling out and deciding we didn't want to see each other, or we were embarrassed to be together. That'd be awful. […]

"Oh, Ellie," Lee said. "Why do you have to reason everything through all the time? The future is the future […]." (15.60-61)

For once, Ellie is not being foolish; Lee is. She's just trying to think through how she feels and what kind of dynamic she wants at camp. After all, she and Lee comprise practically one-third of their group members—getting along is pretty important.