Tomorrow, When the War Began Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Corrie and I were probably the most energetic. We took a few walks, back to the bridge, or to different cliffs, so we could have long private conversations. We talked about boys and friends and school and parents, all the usual stuff. (5.2)

Things might be totally abnormal all around them, but Ellie and Corrie still make time to be totally ordinary best friends, going for long walks to talk about their lives.

Quote #5

The Kevin came in from checking the bedrooms, saw her, and moving quickly to her took her in his arms and held her close. They just stood there for quite a few minutes. (7.12)

This shows just how close Kevin and Corrie are: Without exchanging a word, Kevin knows exactly how to comfort Corrie in this moment. Such a good friend.

Quote #6

No! If we're being strictly logical, like Homer was before, we shouldn't all sneak in close to the Showground. One of us should go and the other two stay here. Less chance of being seen, and less loss if one gets caught."

Corrie gave a little cry. "No! That's being too logical! You're my best friends! I don't want to be that logical!" (7.60-61)

All for one and one for all, eh? They do stick together when things are risky, but they also all suffer the consequences.