Tomorrow, When the War Began Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I thought you didn't believe in friendship anymore," Kevin said. "Seems a hell of a risk to go to Lee's, if we're so worried about saving ourselves."

Homer looked at him coldly and even Corrie rolled her eyes. (9.37-38)

Wait, wait, wait… Kevin goes a little far saying that Homer doesn't believe in friendship—he just wants to save Lee in safest way possible, that's all. Kevin is just feeling grumpy, we think.

Quote #8

She stopped hiccupping and just sobbed […]. We dried her and hugged her, but it was hours before she calmed enough even to look at us. […] Corrie would not move, and we could not move until she did. (10.95)

Friends take good care of one another, especially during the hardest times. Corrie is lucky to have hers around during her breakdown.

Quote #9

[…] Homer came up beside me to ride two abreast. "Hold my hand Ellie," he said. "Can you ride one-handed?"

[…] But we talked a bit, not about bombs and death and destruction, but about stupid little things. (10.10-11)

Friendship rescues these pals from feeling really terrible. Instead of talking about all the hard stuff they're going through, they slip into the safety of simple friendly conversation.