True West Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #4

Lee: I never realized the old lady was so security-minded. (1.2.3)

Lee tries to steal from his own mom. There's really not much more that needs to be said about what kind of man he is.

Quote #5

Lee: They don't need their televisions! I'm doin' them a service. (1.4.110)

As brazen as Lee is about stealing, he still feels the need to justify himself to Austin here. Whether he believes what he's saying isn't even really the issue. What's more important is the fact that he tries to make himself appear somehow noble when Austin questions him.

Quote #6

Lee: I could go up to Sacramento Valley and steal me a diesel. Ten thousand a week dismantling one a' those suckers. (1.4.169-171)

Okay, TVs and Mom's antiques aren't the only loot Lee is interested in. This one statement shows that he at least has the potential to be a pretty serious criminal. We don't know if he's ever done what he's talking about, but the fact that he even knows it's an option demonstrates that he has spent some time thinking about all the ways to get rich from stealing.