True West Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #7

(LEE enters abruptly into kitchen carrying a stolen television set) (1.3.19)

The beauty of this is that Lee makes this entrance knowing full well that Austin will still be meeting with Saul. He lugs the stolen TV in just to mess with Austin. Austin has to simply agree when Lee talks about having picked up the TV from the repair shop.

Quote #8

Austin: You must have done something. Threatened him or something. (2.5.107-108)

Lee's just come back from golf and told Austin that Saul is taking on his movie idea instead of Austin's. The fact that Austin can't even fathom that this could have occurred without some form of violence or criminal activity goes a long way to show what Austin really thinks about his brother. By the way, Austin is totally right. At the very least, some gambling was involved.

Quote #9

Austin: There's gonna be a general lack of toast in the neighborhood this morning. (2.8.15-16)

Austin strikes it huge in the toaster-stealing biz. As funny and absurd as this is, it's a huge moment in the play. Austin has enacted his first criminal act, and things just keep going downhill from here.