Turtle in Paradise Chapter 12 Summary

Hard Times

  • Since it's the Great Depression, people are always talking about how tough times bring out the best in people. 
  • Turtle's not sure she agrees—she left her shoes outside last night and someone stole them. Archie bought her those shoes to make her feel like a princess. 
  • When she asks the Diaper Gang who could have stolen them, they think maybe Too Bad. They point out that it doesn't really matter, though, since no one wears shoes around here anyway. 
  • Aunt Minnie scolds Turtle because her cat made a mess in the laundry, but Turtle says Smokey knows better than that and she's never done anything like it before. 
  • Aunt Minnie wonders who else could have done it, and says that if the cat destroys something again, she's gone.
  • A couple of days later, Turtle runs into Slow Poke and asks him if he needs any more help on his boat. 
  • He laughs and says she's just like her mama. Huh. How well does he know her mom? 
  • Before Slow Poke can even answer, the guy with him starts choking and Kermit runs up to her to take her home. That was weird. 
  • Smokey used a skirt as a litter box, and now it's ruined. What is Aunt Minnie supposed to tell her boss? It got dirtier, not clean, like Aunt Minnie is paid to do. The cat is out of here. 
  • Turtle is really sad and begs her aunt to let her cat stay.
  • That night, Turtle is helping with the dishes when she hears Aunt Minnie scream—she's dancing around in a funny way and no one knows what's happening. 
  • She takes off her nightgown and a scorpion crawls out. 
  • Turtle instructs Kermit to go get a doctor, and Smokey hunts down the scorpion and bites its head off. 
  • The doc comes in and says Aunt Minnie was stung all up her back, so she'll be puking for a while and in a lot of pain. 
  • When Aunt Minnie wakes up the next day, she finds a clean house and quiet kids. What happened? 
  • Turtle explains that she cleaned up and made the boys food; everyone is on their best behavior since she's sick. 
  • Even so, Smokey's still got to go.