Turtle in Paradise Youth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Everyone thinks children are sweet as Necco Wafers, but I've lived long enough to know the truth: kids are rotten. The only difference between grown-ups and kids is that grown -ups go to jail for murder. Kids get away with it. (1.1)

The very first sentences of the book warn us about kids. They're not the sweet, innocent little lambs everyone thinks they are—nope, they are mean, lying, sniveling brats, according to Turtle.

Quote #2

"You ever take care of good babies?" I ask.

"Ain't no such thing," he declares. Kermit grins. "That's why we're always in business." (3.67-68)

Leave it to the Diaper Gang to trash talk babies. It's not that they hate them, but they've spent enough time around babies to know that they are not good news. This just proves Turtle's point: All kids are rotten.

Quote #3

Kids in the funny pages sure lead thrilling lives. Little Orphan Annie and her dog, Sandy, are always having all sorts of adventures, and then there's Terry Lee from Terry and the Pirates. He sails to the Far East with his pal Pat, looking for a lost gold mine. There's nothing thrilling happening on Curry Lane as far as I can tell. (5.1)

Perhaps this is why kids are always lying—to create their own adventures. In the movies and comic books, kids seem smart and exciting, but Turtle reminds us again and again that real life is nothing like the movies. Real kids aren't any of those things.