Turtle in Paradise Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Folks have always told me that I look like Mama. My hair's brown, same as hers, but it's cut short in a bob with bangs, like a soup bowl turned upside down. (2.37)

It seems like all Turtle ever hears is that she looks like her mom. This makes her think about her mom and the history she has with these people even when she's far away. There's a strong family resemblance, that's for sure, but their personalities couldn't be more different.

Quote #2

Folks like to feel sorry for orphans, but I think they've got it pretty good. Little Orphan Annie gets adopted by Daddy Warbucks, who's a millionaire. That's just about as lucky as it gets in my book. (3.1)

We'll admit we're a little surprised to hear this. Do orphans have it easy? It's not that Turtle doesn't like her mom or anything; she's just not sold on having a big family. Okay, we can understand that. But does she change her mind in the end?

Quote #3

Still, I miss Mama so much I hardly know what to do. We've never been apart. I worry about her being by herself. (6.21)

How sweet. No matter how different Turtle and her mom are, she misses her mama a lot. A whole lot. It's clear that Turtle might like to think she knows best, but she still needs her mom around every once in a while.