Turtle in Paradise The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Because Mama's the housekeeper, we get free room and board. Which wouldn't be so bad, except the rest of the house usually comes with kids. And they're never nice to the housekeeper's daughter. (1.42)

Turtle never feels at home when her mom is a housekeeper. For one thing, she has to deal with spoiled brats who are rude to her, plus she gets the worst room in the house and has to split it with her mom. We can understand why she'd want something more.

Quote #2

Mama's promised me that someday we're going to live in our own home. We've got it all picked out, too. It's a Sears mail-order house, from a kit. The Bellewood, Model #3304. (1.45)

The fact that Turtle has a house ear-marked in a catalog tells us a lot. She's been dreaming about the house for a long time and she knows exactly what she wants. It's clear that she doesn't want to settle when it comes to her home because it's such a big dream.

Quote #3

I think life's more like that cartoon by Mr. Disney—The Three Little Pigs. Some big bad wolf's always trying to blow down your house. (1.56)

It's funny how even Turtle's description of how she sees life involves a house. We don't think that's a coincidence. She picks this cartoon specifically because of what it means: some monster is taking away your house, time and again. Pretty dark view of life, don't you think?