Turtle in Paradise Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He says he doesn't think President Roosevelt will get us out of this Depression and that if you give someone money for not working why would they ever bother to get a job? (1.6)

As Mr. Edgit drives Turtle down to Florida, he talks to her about the Great Depression and suffering through the tough times. According to him, the President can't do much to save people from it either; they just have to carry on.

Quote #2

Because Mama's the housekeeper, we get free room and board. Which wouldn't be so bad, except the rest of the house usually comes with kids. And they're never nice to the housekeeper's daughter. (1.42)

This is just one of those things Turtle has to put up with. Why? She's got no other option. The kids are mean to her, but she has to suffer through and get over it. At least that's how Turtle describes it anyway.

Quote #3

Lots of folks go to bed hungry these days. I've heard of men fighting over scraps in garbage cans and about that lady who taught her kids to steal milk. (4.1)

Turtle paints a sad picture for us, but the reality is that during the Great Depression, many people were hungry and hurting. There is no other choice but to never give up.