How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Lissa unhesitatingly walked over to him. Her fear poured into me through our psychic bond, but there was something else too: her complete faith that I would take care of everything, that we would be safe. Like always, I hoped I was worthy of that kind of trust. (1.41)
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to read someone else's mind? Well, not if that person is scared—Rose feels all of Lissa's fears and anxieties, and they start to bleed into her own feelings as well. Their bond is more than psychic because they are also friends who trust each other.
Quote #2
A funny feeling settled over me. I'd gotten so used to being her primary blood source that the thought of returning to the Moroi's normal routine seemed strange. In fact, it almost bothered me. It shouldn't have. Daily feedings were part of a Moroi's life, something I hadn't been able to offer her while living on our own. It had been an inconvenient situation, one that left me weak on feeding days and her weak on the days in between. I should have been happy she would get some normality. (4.14)
Rose is willing to give up a lot for Lissa, but she also knows when to call it quits. She's relieved when she no longer has to be Lissa's blood source, but at the same time, she's a little jealous that someone else is. Huh? It looks like Rose likes being the one to take care of Lissa all the time. It makes her feel needed.
Quote #3
I'd gotten to join that world with her. It was easy for me, because I didn't really have to deal with the politics of it. I was a pretty dhampir, one who didn't mind getting into trouble and pulling crazy stunts. I became a novelty; they liked having me around for the fun of it. (4.88)
Back in the day, Rose got to join the in-crowd and be a social god because her BFF was a princess, and no dhampirs were allowed. Wait a minute… Isn't that the exact same thing Rose accuses fake friends of doing?