How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Well. If that's not friendship, I don't know what it is." (5.27)
Christian says this when he finds out Rose let Lissa use her as a blood source. There's such a negative social stigma around feeders, that no respectable dhampir would choose to become one, yet Rose cares more about Lissa's wellbeing than she does about what people think of her. And believe us, that gets tested again and again.
Quote #5
The fear and excitement had worn me out too, and for an instant, I wished I could have a normal life and a normal best friend. Immediately, I cast that thought out. No one was normal, not really. And I'd never have a better friend than Lissa… but man, it was so hard sometimes. (12.42)
Right after Lissa cuts herself, Rose starts wondering what a different best friend would be like. We've all been there—things are down and out, and we wish we could just change our whole lives in one flash. We've got to give Rose props for realizing that everyone has problems, so dealing with tricky situations with our friends is pretty normal.
Quote #6
Shifting into my bodyguard role, I stuck by Lissa's side as we wandered from store to store, looking at all the new styles that were out there. It was nice to be in public again and do to something with her that was just fun and didn't involve any of the dark, twisted politics of the Academy. It was almost like old times. I'd missed just hanging out. I'd missed my best friend. (17.68)
Aw—Rose wishes she could be less of a bodyguard, and more of a gal pal, but those days are over. Part of becoming a guardian means always being on alert, waiting to protect your Moroi, and Rose finally gets how hard that's going to be for the rest of her life. She misses the good old days of chillin' with her BFF.