How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Disgust poured into me. It was an old instinct, one that had been drilled in over the years. Feeders were essential to Moroi life. They were humans who willingly volunteered to be a regular blood source, humans from the fringes of society who gave their lives over to the secret world of the Moroi. They were well cared for and given all the comforts they could need. But at the heart of it, they were drug users, addicts to Moroi saliva and the rush it offered with each bite. (4.18)
Hypocritical, much? Even though she let Lissa drink her blood (and liked it), Rose looks down on the feeders, just like everyone else. She might like to think she doesn't buy into the dominant ideas about social hierarchy, but in reality, she believes it just as much as the next kid.
Quote #2
It was ironic that dhampirs had such an allure here, because slender Moroi girls looked very much like the super-skinny runway models so popular in the human world. Most humans could never reach that "ideal" skinniness, just as Moroi girls could never look like me. Everyone wanted what she couldn't have. (4.58)
One class or race being better than another is nuts. It's not as though dhampirs or Morois are superior—it's that St. Vladimir's Academy values one thing over the other. Here, we see that dhampirs are thought to be more attractive (read: sexy) than Morois, even though they're not as valued.
Quote #3
The Dragomirs were one of the twelve ruling families. She'd have a very powerful place in Moroi society, and the other young royals wanted to get in good with her. Fake friends tried to schmooze her and get her to team up against other people. (4.82)
You might not be royal, but we're betting you've seen this at your school: a bunch of posers try to bump up their own social status by hanging around the star quarterback or head cheerleader. It seems cliques are everywhere—even in the vampire world.