How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
You couldn't come back from something like this. Not among the Moroi. Once a blood whore, always a blood whore. What made it worse was that some dark, secret part of me did like being bitten. (12.80)
Rumors spread around that Rose is a blood whore, even though she's not, but it doesn't really matter. A burn like that completely ruins her reputation, and her status falls off the radar because no one—and we mean no one—wants to hang out with a filthy social outcast.
Quote #8
He had to learn that being royal and Moroi doesn't mean you can do anything you want to other people—even blood whores. (13.81)
Dimitri tells Rose about beating up his dad when he was thirteen because he treated his mom poorly. Check out what he says, though—he's standing up for his mom, but putting her down at the same time. Even he thinks about her the way society does—as a blood whore.
Quote #9
"He shouldn't have done that to her. People can't treat other people like that— even feeders." (15.79)
Lissa might be royal, but she's also kind, unlike a lot of her crowd. She flips when Wade brings a feeder to the party because it's just not right, and through her we get to see that not all royals are jerks.