How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Black. Angry. Merciless. Startling feelings to be coming from sweet and steady Lissa. I'd known her since kindergarten, but in that moment, I barely knew her. (15.92)
The night Rose watches Lissa hypnotize Wade because he brought a feeder to the party and let everyone take turns sucking on her blood, Rose is astonished to encounter dark qualities in her friend. Not all transformations are permanent—some happen for a particular moment.
Quote #8
"It comes from you, from your own essence. To heal another, you must give part of yourself. The more you do that, the more it will destroy you over time. You must be noticing that already. I've seen how much certain things upset you, how fragile you are." (22.39)
Leave it to Victor to explain: Lissa's spirit element transforms her from alive and well to down in the dumps and weak. No wonder she's so emotional and depressed all the time—her magic is literally sucking the life from her.
Quote #9
"You have a greater sense of life and the world—far greater than even I have—even if you don't realize it. You should have stayed dead. Vasilisa brushed Death to bring you back and bound you to her forever. You were actually in its embrace, and some part of you will always remember that, always fight to cling to life and experience all it has. That's why you're so reckless in the things you do. You don't hold back your feelings, your passion, your anger. It makes you remarkable. It makes you dangerous." (23.67)
… or maybe that's what makes her a remarkable guardian. Rose is willing to take risks and do things other people her own age won't, like escape the Academy with Lissa. Her brush with death transformed her entire worldview. We might not see the before, but we definitely see the results of this transformation throughout the book.