The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963 Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The crowd of kids was getting bigger and bigger and was loving this. Not because they wanted to see Larry Dunn get jacked up, but because they wanted to see anybody get it, they'd have been just as happy if it was me or Rufus or someone else. (4.123)

Man, Kenny's impressive. How does he always know what everything's thinking?! This moment reminds us of Rufus's first day when Kenny was waiting to see what the kids would do to him. But here, Kenny doesn't want to stay and watch. What's the deal? Is Kenny different from the others or not?

Quote #8

Byron was the only person in the world who could make you feel sorry for someone as mean as Larry Dunn. (4.134)

Hmm, it seems there's a hierarchy to the bullies, too. Do you agree that Byron is the meanest of them all? Do you feel sorry for Larry here, or do you think he gets what he deserves?

Quote #9

"You really gonna start serving welfare food in this house? You really gonna make me go embarrass myself by signing a welfare list for some groceries like a blanged peon?" (6.17)

Why does Byron care so much if they're eating welfare food? What's the big deal?