The Wee Free Men Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

You're not very clever, thought Tiffany. You've never needed to be. You can get what you want just by dreaming it. You believe in your dreams, so you never have to think. (11.5)

The Queen may think that she's so smart and that she has the upper hand, but she's never had to actually think about things. She just creates dreams and traps people in them.

Quote #5

She thought she heard her brain creak with the effort of thinking. If she was in a dream, she had to wake up. But it was no use running. Dreams were full of running. But there was one direction that looked… thin, and white. (11.77)

The rules of this world don't really make sense, but Tiffany's going to find a way out of it anyway. She's got a mind that's constantly working to figure out loopholes and ways to triumph.

Quote #6

It had looked like a small drome in the trees. That meant it wasn't very powerful. She hoped so. She had to hope so… (11.139)

The dromes are something to avoid, but Tiffany runs toward one this time because she's figured out a way to hide from the Queen—she can hide out in a dream that she controls.